Psoriasis Moisturizing Cream with salicylic acid

Handling psoriasis can be challenging, yet there are methods to aid soothe signs as well as assist avoid them from persisting. One key to keeping your psoriasis away is making use of a hydrating psoriasis therapy that carefully exfoliates as well as moistens your skin-- like CeraVe Psoriasis Hydrating Lotion-- to aid comfort your skin.
CeraVe Psoriasis Moisturizing Cream is developed with 2% salicylic acid to aid alleviate scaling, redness, and completely dry, flaky skin, lactic acid for mild peeling, niacinamide to aid relax skin, as well as 3 crucial ceramides to help preserve the skin's barrier. Our psoriasis cream was created with skin doctors to help provide smoother skin, and is created with our MVE Innovation to continually release hydrating active ingredients all the time. Use this psoriasis cream daily to help skin irritation, scaling, soreness, flaking, as well as irritation associated with psoriasis, in addition to aid stop the reoccurrence of psoriasis signs.
Controls the signs and symptoms of psoriasis as well as helps avoid reoccurrence
2% salicylic acid relieves skin itchiness, scaling, redness, inflammation, and completely dry, flaky skin associated with psoriasis
Lactic acid: Aids with mild peeling
Hydrates and softens skin
Created with shea butter, glycerin, dimethicone, and urea
MVE Innovation: Continuously releases moisturizing ingredients for all the time hydration
One-of-a-kind formula, featuring three essential ceramides, that secure wetness as well as assists maintain the skin's protective barrier
Niacinamide: assists calm your skin
Non-comedogenic, non-irritating, as well as fragrance-free
Developed with dermatologists